Indian Seabird Group
The Indian Seabird Group aims to connect seabird researchers working in India and abroad.
We intend to build a platform for researchers to discuss ideas, develop collaborations, and ultimately,
strengthen seabird research and conservation.
Meet the Indian Seabird Group Team, read about Our Goals, and find out more about Seabirds of India.
Our Goals
Advance Research
Promoting seabird research and conservation in India and the countries bordering the northern Indian Ocean region (Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea)
Knowledge Exchange
Facilitating exchange of knowledge on seabirds between researchers, enthusiasts, citizens and decision makers
Generate Opportunities
Generating opportunities for career development and interdisciplinary collaborations among seabird researchers based in India and abroad
Public Awareness
Creating awareness among the general public on seabirds, threats to their populations, habitat and their conservation requirements
Inspire future generations of seabird researchers and enthusiasts to undertake long-term research on seabirds by providing access to resources and opportunities
Build Network
Build collaborations with agencies involved in seabird research, conservation, education and outreach in India as well as across the globe